Sunday, December 13, 2009

The weekends are usually slower for me, I am not sure if that is the same for all persons with head injuries. There are many opportunities that I see on the internet. I guess it is a good time to rest and 'lay low'. All of my ideas are big and I would like to have the time to work 24/7. Or, have a relation to work with in my slow time. PLease leave a comment...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

OK December 10th is my 26 anniversary of my accident. It has been quite a roller coaster of a life after the injury and I am sure that there will be ups and downs ahead still. I do finally feel like something positive is happening in my life with this non profit organization I'm developing. Possibly it may lead to finding a relation as well. I do have a books worth of experiences in my head and when I have a chance I will get to that. I have met many caring people over the years and I have tried to stay in contact with them also. I would love to get some feedback if you have a chance...

Monday, November 30, 2009

I am still learning how to use the walk aide and I start physical therapy this week. I will have my meeting about my non profit tomorrow. Things are coming along well.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

It was a great Thanks Giving. A lot of food, family and fun. I also of course did some networking with relatives, not too much. The Walk Aide is working out very well. I am not walking perfectly again yet but, I am working on it. My dating life is still slow but, that will take time and work also. My organization meetings are coming up too.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I recently started taking a new medication and it is the one that I have needed since my injury. It is helping with a better focus on what is going on and my planning for my future. This should enable me the take the next step in getting my organization going. I have stuck with my idea for over 5 years and have made contacts, this medication is helping me to bring it all together. Please, leave your thoughts...

Friday, November 20, 2009

I do have a meeting set to work on the development of my organization with RHD. I feel that this will help me in getting my non profit in process. I did make a slight change to my JackWords site and am confirming the changes. Pleas, leave a comment.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I am finally setting up some meeting with real promise. I also am going to be getting my E-stim that should be helping with my walking. Things seem to be looking very good for me on all angles. I even might have a chance at developing a new relationship. Please leave a comment, thanks...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Things are coming along still. I just need to put it all together. I did get put on a new medication and hopefully this will help with the Focus. I am on the verge of breaking things wide open and if I can get it working it should be nice.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today I was in contact with the N.F.L. players association and they are interested in what I am putting forth. They said for me to call next week, so I will keep you informed.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I have been dealing with a sickness over the past number of weeks and I have still been networking and setting up meetings. As I say often, things seem to be moving along. I will try to keep up with my blog a little more, please leave a comment.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Well, it has been busy with everything. Both the organization and personal tries. I did try to go to a Singles event but, when I saw they were doing a circle dance to 'Elvira' I realized it was not the right group.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I had a great eletrical stim evaluation on Friday. It should have me walking like I used to before the accident. This will take time but, now I have more hope. Comments welcome.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My posts have slowed I feel, because of my feeling of aloneness and lack of relationships for so long. I am trying to get a hold of this. Everyone says it take time. It has been even longer it feels for me.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I decided to visit with family this weekend. It is a very needed break from the crazieness that has been going on or should I say I was getting in a rut. All things seem to be getting more negotiable by taking some 'down' time and having some rational conversations.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sorry for the break, I was trying to go to a lot of meetings and call many people. Thing are looking good but, it is a slow process. I was in contact with the NFL players association yesterday and things might work well there. Please, comment.

Monday, September 14, 2009

On Saturday I had a great meeting with someone who is really going to help in getting together all my ideas.We discussed all my views on the non profit. And I feel now that we will be working on getting things together.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The card exchange was I very interesting event. I did meet a lot of people who may be able to help grow the organization and told me about a community non profit meeting this coming Friday. I did and the best people with whom I met were not even going to the card event. They were involved with POND Restaurant.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hi everyone, things are moving with my organization. I have spoken with many people and I am going to a card exchange tonight. I do have a call and a meeting coming up so keep your fingers crossed. Please, feel free to post you thoughts or comments.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Today I made some contacts to some trading firms. If they like what I am doing and are will to help, I should be doing ok. As far as the dating goes it is still a work in progress. I am hoping something comes through. I should have some help to upgrade my site soon...

Monday, August 31, 2009

This morning I was out and I was seeing a person who supposedly does not have a disability, unless you can call their inability to be a rationally thinking person their disability. Maybe it was just there was a poor growing up? I just am thankful I have a great supportive family.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

This morning I was able to meet with a VP from B101 radio. I gave him my new business card and he said he would look at my site ( )and speak with the program director. Maybe I will be able to get word out on my non profit.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Today I filled out losing lottery tickets and mailed them in for some more chances to win the second chance drawing. I figured if there was another chance for maybe even season tickets, well I can just loose the money for stamps this time. If I do get something I will see if I can auction them off for my non profit. Maybe I'll keep one for myself.

Friday, August 28, 2009

I have been on the phone and networking all day. Some meetings have been scheduled and I do feel that things are moving in a good direction. The next big challenge is the dating front. One may have to work more first before the other comes along.
OK it was a Dream and life will go on as it comes. I do have many things happening in my life where I can focus my energy on other things.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

O.K. it's almost 11:30pm and I was awaken with a couple of visions and one hopeful dream. Granted someone may say a dream of mine may be caused be a medication, but it was powerful. The dream had to do with a possible relation and I would rather not jinx things before I take a chance.
Sorry I've been away but, I'm back. I've been trying to get things in my life together. The organization is coming along, my online dating is going nowhere. Blogging is a little time for me to let go of my outer concerns. I will try to Blog and share more often. Please, leave your thoughts....

Friday, August 21, 2009

I was speaking with someone from a foundation who was able to send me some information. Hopefully, this will allow me to do more with my organization. I do have many ideas about my organization. As things develop I will post more. Please leave your comments.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I have spoken with some people on help with putting a book together on my life so far. If I do get this out I will post a link for all to get one. Thank you and please leave your comments.

Monday, August 17, 2009

This morning, I was thinking that I should look into doing some public service announcements for drinking and driving awareness. I feel that I have definitely be around to learn about all types of brain injuries. I am just wondering for whom I would look to do these to make the biggest difference.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I tend to get more lonely on the weekends. I do try to increase activity and visiting with friends. During the week I can usually find something to work on my organization. I do try online dating sites but, being too honest usually scares women from taking the next step in getting to know the real me.
Well, I may have thought take this dating site would be a better option? Maybe it the fact that I am too honest in how I describe myself. If people are too closed minded to accept a good person, it will just be their loss.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I just was directed to a dating site that looks to have some promise. It is okcupid and I have sent out some email to some tentative 'matches' now I guess if they see promise or have interest in my profile... maybe thing will get better in the dating arena.
I guess this is true about most situations. It just tends to be more prevalent with 'non disabled' persons feeling toward persons with disabilities. Maybe it's because I have lived on both sides of the debate. Their are many people these days who are showing more respect, but there are still people who do not give opportunities to capable persons with disabilities.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

This morning I did go out and purchased the Power Ball winning ticket for tonight. Bill and I were discussing where my winter get away will be. I have some thoughts but, if anyone has an idea, just leave a comment.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

One of the hardest thing with which I having trouble is finding meaningful employment. I have had many entry level jobs over my life after my accident and I do feel that there is more for me out there that another entry level job. I am trying to start my own non profit but, that is taking time. I will keep you informed of my developments. And who knows, maybe this will lead to a meaningful relation also?

Monday, August 10, 2009

I am trying to find a relation. I do realize that the more I try to "find" one the more difficult it will be. I guess this is the most difficult part of living with a Head Injury, but after 25 years I may be more aware. I still am hoping things will happen for the better but, the only thing I can do is let things happen.
I am still looking for employment. I have been speaking with many people whop might be interested in funding my non-profit start up.
My idea is to develop a location where persons with Brain Injury can express them selves via artistic programs. They will be able to build their motor skills, improve their brain functionality,as well as the satisfaction of creating an work of art.
The added benefit would be the ability to earn some income through the sale of their artwork and help earn monies to pay some of their own support.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I have been looking for online employment for over a year now. I was speaking to anyone I thought who could help me. Finally, today, I got an e-mail directing me to my "my ticket to work at home" a 501(c)(3) organization set up by The National Telecommuting Institute, Inc. to help persons with disabillities find eemployement.
I am going to fill out an application and see what happens.